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History: Reference and Additional Sources

Biographies and more!


Historiography papers

"A historiographic essay is one in which the writer, acting as a historian, studies the approaches to a topic that other historians have taken."  (Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing History, 2010)


  • Look for books, articles, or essays that review the literature on a specific topic, setting it in context by discussing how other historians have interpreted the topic over time. 
  • Try to identify important works and critical debates about your topic.  An historiographical review of a topic focuses on secondary sources (although it may discuss the primary sources that historians examined).
  • Use the term historiography as a keyword.
  • Look for scholarly works across time.
  • Search WorldCat, America: History & Life, Historical Abstracts, JSTOR, etc.
  • Refer to the bibliographies of secondary sources for additional sources.

Chicago Manual of Style online

Citing Sources

An important part of research is creating proper footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies.

Bucknell Citation Guides

Williams College Citation Guides

Zotero citation generator and manager tool