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Education: Education: Getting Started

Education resources to help get you started

APA Citation

Most of the library's databases, the WorldCat library catalog, and Google Scholar provide APA citations for all sources. Please note that the accuracy and formatting of these citations are not guaranteed! You should always review citations against a model (like the ones shown in the Purdue OWL APA Formatting & Style Guide) to ensure that they are accurate and properly formatted.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Jill Hallam-Miller
Bertrand Library
Research Help Area Rm 109
Phone: 570.577.2055
Text the Library @ 570-487-3898
Office Hours: M-F by appointment

Annotated Bibliography

Bucknell librarian Carrie Pirmann's guide to Annotated Bibliographies provides lots of helpful information for writing annotations.

Use the Purdue OWL APA Formatting and Style Guide to help you cite your sources. Use the table of contents on the OWL site to help you find models for in-text and reference list citations.

How to Start Your Research: A DIY Guide

Need help getting started with your research? This guide provides you with help for each step of the research process. Click DIY to visit the guide.
