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FOUN 098 47: Becoming an Adult: Home

The Library: What's In It for You?

First and foremost, there are people here to help you!

Get Help

The library also has a wealth of non-human resources for you to use.

Library Resources

  • WorldCat: our library catalog (find books, ebooks, DVDs, and more)
  • Group Study Rooms: 10 rooms in the library - reserve for group or individual study (see the button on the library homepage)
  • Databases A-Z: an alphabetical list of resources (filtered by subject or type)
  • Library homepage: find library hours, borrow equipment, chat with us, etc.

Borrowing Privileges

The Borrowing Privileges page tells you a little bit about what kinds of materials you can borrow from the library, and for how long. You will see information on the page about the following:

  • Course reserves
  • Equipment
  • Books (how many and for how long)
  • Videos/DVDs (how many and for how long)

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Jill Hallam-Miller
Bertrand Library
Research Help Area Rm 109
Phone: 570.577.2055
Text the Library @ 570-487-3898
Office Hours: M-F by appointment