Note: In addition to Historical Newspapers database, link to News Sources guide for descriptions and links to other historical news sources. You must be logged into myBucknell to access library databases.
Harper’s Magazine (digitized, selected coverage):
Harper's Weekly was an American political magazine, published from 1857 until 1916, featuring illustrations, foreign and domestic news, essays on a variety of subjects, fiction, and more.
Harp Week : Includes Harper's Weekly issues 1857-1912.
A popular American magazine, founded in 1888, began as Collier’s Weekly. The library has a mix of print and microform volumes 1900-1915, 1924-1957. (2nd floor, periodicals arranged alphabetically by title of journal/magazine)
Saturday Evening Post
Features current event articles, editorials, human interest pieces, stories by leading writers of the time, cartoons, illustrations, poetry, and more. It’s still being published, now as a bimonthly magazine. The library has a mix of print and microform volumes 1897-1969. (2nd floor, periodicals arranged alphabetically by title of journal/magazine)
Selected full text coverage via library database(s): Search A-Z journals for Saturday Evening Post for more details.
Life Magazine
Selected volumes available via Google Books. The library has a mix of print and microform, 1936-1972, 1978-2000. (2nd floor, periodicals arranged alphabetically by title of journal/magazine).
Look Magazine
The library has a mix of print and microform, 1939-1940,1942-1971 (2nd floor, periodicals).
National Geographic
The library has print volumes from 1900. (2nd floor, periodicals). Selected full text coverage via library database(s), Search A-Z journals for more details.