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ENST 295: Environmental Law: Secondary Sources

Finding Secondary Sources

Tips for searching for secondary sources


  • Search for books, ebooks, and some articles (Nexis Uni allows you to filter to law reviews)
  • Enter keywords to search
  • Use the call number and the floor guide to locate books on the shelf
  • Use the Cite button to create a citation in your chosen style

Nexis Uni

  • Under Guided Search select Law Reviews and then enter keywords
  • Use the Export Citation option to create a citation in your chosen style

Google Scholar

  • Enter "law review" as part of your search 
  • The Cite button appears in the results list rather than on the article page (you may need to go back to the results list to generate a citation)
  • If you come to a paywall (offering access to an article for payment), copy the title of the article and paste into WorldCat search bar
    • Follow links to see if the article is available in full text
    • OR use the Get It button to request the article through interlibrary loan
    • Contact me if you need help!