Phone: 570-577-3115
Hours: 9am-4:30pm M-F
Once your copy request has been filled and processed, you can access it anytime from the ILLiad home page. Simply click the "View" button on the right side of the request to open the file.
If there are any problems with the copy you received, such as missing pages or essential images being in black & white and unviewable, please email with the transaction number and a description of the problem, and we will ask the lending library to rescan and resend the item.
IMPORTANT: 30 days after you receive an electronic copy, it will be deleted off of ILLiad, and you will no longer be able to access it there. Make sure to download the file to your computer before the 30 days are over if you plan to continue using it.
If you want to keep your item past your original due date, you can request to renew your item from the ILLiad home page. Simply scroll down to your checked out items and click the Renew button on the right side of the item entry.
Once we process your renewal request and get a response from the lending library, you will get an email with the new due date and be able to see the new due date in ILLiad.
You can only renew requests beginning two weeks from your original due date. If you miss renewing an item before the due date passes, please keep the item with you and email with the transaction number of your request (shown below the author) and ask for a renewal. You will also have to email us directly if you need to renew an item more than once.
Keep in mind that renewals are up to the discretion of the lending library. While many libraries are willing to allow renewals, it is possible for your renewal to be denied, in which case you will have to return the item by the original due date.
You can check on the status of your ILL request from the ILLiad home page by scrolling down to "Outstanding Requests" and clicking on the request you want to look at. This will take you to the item details. Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the tracking information for the request.
This example request for a book is fairly simple, and most of the status updates are only meaningful for staff to know what to do with the request. However, some of them will keep you informed on where your item is in the ILL process.
The most meaningful statuses for you to know are:
Other meaningful status updates you may see are: