Use Census data to find data for the community in which your company/office does business.
Locate relevant data, including income level, education level, race/ethnicity, and any other demographic characteristics you think might be useful for your research for that community.
Considering that the community largely provides the pool of people from which your companies hire employees AND the clients/customers/consumers they serve, what can you initially extrapolate from the data you've collected?
The U.S. Census Bureau administers two major demographic data collections which you'll make use of in this class:
(1) The Decennial Census, which happens every 10 years and is intended to count all people in the United States.
(2) The American Community Survey (ACS), which is a yearly sampling program sent out to randomly selected households. The sampling data is used to create estimated data points for the years between the Decennial Census.
VisionServe Alliance: Big Data Project Pennsylvania insights: