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Disability Services and Accessibility


In general, the first floor is the loudest and busiest floor. Although the other floors are quieter and have less traffic, there are areas where sound easily travels between the floors, so noise from the first floor travels to the areas directly above and below. These areas will be low traffic but have a good amount of background noise.


  • Second floor
  • 24-hour space on the first floor
  • Third floor tutoring space
  • Third floor carrel seating area

White noise

  • Lower level one (throughout)


  • First floor
  • Third floor hallway (loud fans and sound traveling up from the first floor)
  • Lower level one Map Room (traveling sound only)
  • Underneath the staircase on lower level two


Natural Lighting

  • Third floor hallway
  • Second floor, in the back of the journal collection facing Academic West
  • Second floor group study rooms
  • Traditional and East reading rooms on the second floor
  • Lower level one map room

Adjustable Lighting 

Adjustable lighting spaces have either multiple light switches or sliding light switches, so light levels can be adjusted to your preference

  • Third floor tutoring space
  • Third floor carrel seating area
  • Second floor group study rooms
  • Traditional and East reading rooms on the second floor
  • Cafe seating on the first floor (between the tech courtyard and the research help area)
  • Library Lab on lower level one
  • Nooks within the map room of lower level one
  • Digital Video Editing Lab on lower level one
  • GIS Underground on lower level one
  • Computer lab 12 on lower level one
  • All group study rooms
  • Cubbies next to the Sunny Study Space on the far wall of lower level two

Bright Lighting

  • First floor
  • Lower level one

Dim Lighting

  • Lower level one group study rooms
  • Digital Video Editing Lab on lower level one

Sensory Items

All of our group study rooms have baskets of various de-stressing and sensory items, such as coloring books, stress balls, fidget spinners, and comfy lap blankets. You can find more information on our study rooms in the "Traffic and Privacy Levels" tab.