Bucknell Commons is our institutional repository, a place for collecting and disseminating research and other work produced on campus, including faculty scholarship, theses, community-engaged scholarship, and open educational resources.
Why would I want to add my work to this site?
Adding your work to Bucknell Commons is a pathway to Open Access that doesn't require any fees or charges paid to publishers. This means that your work is more visible and more accessible to researchers and readers without access to a research library and its resources and services.
Am I allowed to do this?
Yes! Bucknell's Open Access Policy means that you retain the right to use campus resources to make your work Open Access and covers articles authored by Bucknell researchers. Additionally, most publishers maintain self-archiving policies that allow for delayed uploading to a repository like Bucknell Commons (meaning that even if we didn't have this policy, you would be able to make your work open access this way in 6-24 months).
Instructions on how to share your work are available here.
Yes! Please reach out to Eloise Stevens (tes025@bucknell.edu) if you have any questions.